Concessionaires receive bill reminders thru SMS as safety measure during Community Quarantine

Concessionaires receive bill reminders thru SMS as safety measure during Community Quarantine

COVID-19 has affected our day to day lives in different ways. The impacts of this pandemic are felt differently depending on our status as individuals and as members of society. Businesses are facing abrupt challenges. Workers, as well as consumers, are facing shocks in the fear of losing livelihoods.


While some try to adapt to new work schedules, others have no choice but to be exposed to the virus while keeping the society functioning. Workplaces have developed action plans to prevent, or at least, lessen the chance of the virus from spreading. Simple precautions include physical distancing, wearing of face mask and face shield, hand washing, and temperature checking.


In observance of these preventive measures, the General Santos City Water District suspended its bill distribution on September 2020. Meter readers had shortened work hours and temporarily stopped the distribution of bills to minimize the chance of acquiring the virus.


On the other hand, GSCWD utilized its text blast system to send bill reminders to approximately 51,500 consumers thru text. Concessionaires were encouraged to update their contact numbers by sending their account name and account number to the cellphone number posted on GSCWD’s Facebook page. Also, payment centers were advised to receive payments, with the text as reference, to provide convenience and to avoid the office from being crowded.


Such action plan and preventive measures should be regularly checked and updated. It is very important to monitor the effectiveness and the compliance of these measures. Offices should develop strategic plans and consider it as part of the business continuity plan.


By Jannene S. Garces

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