Water Testing Laboratory obtains EXCELLENT Rating on Proficiency Test

Water Testing Laboratory obtains EXCELLENT Rating on Proficiency Test

Water Testing Laboratory obtains EXCELLENT Rating on Proficiency Test


The GSCWD’s Microbiological Testing Laboratory has obtained an EXCELLENT performance rating in the Proficiency Testing (PT) scheme for CY 2017 awarded last February 9, 2018. This PT scheme is done yearly by National Reference Laboratory (NRL) to ensure that GSCWD’s Water Testing Laboratory will report correct and reliable water analysis result.


The Proficiency test is conducted annually as a requirement for the accreditation of the water testing laboratory by the Department of Health. Failure to pass the test would mean cancellation of renewal permit as well as the closure of the laboratory.


“We endeavor to uphold exemplar service to the public. We can assure our clients that we will continue to provide accurate and reliable reading of water tests”, said GSCWD GM Arn Gellangarin.

By Deocyth A. Sarsalejo

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